Maintenance cleaning apartments
Maintenance cleaning is designed to maintain the cleanliness of your home, and not with the purpose to clean up the room, which is not cleaned for a long time. For these purposes, you must use the Services General cleaning. When carrying out maintenance cleaning to remove dust pollution, the removal of which does not require the use of special strong corrosive chemicals and long exposure to mechanical force, the use of abrasive materials.
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Find and call a housekeeper at home can any hostess - untold riches here are not necessary. Prices at the Riks Heart, as always, close to the people, especially when you consider the eight economies (and for the layman - rather 15-16) hours of time and effort saved manicure and high spirits. And of course, impeccable cleanliness and order in the house, which simply can not be overlooked!
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General cleaning
General cleaning of the apartment - a process quite laborious and time-consuming. Riks Heart will make sure that you are happy with the result! a general cleaning of apartments in Prague, is performed at reasonable prices, the company is a flexible system of discounts and bonuses. High quality general cleaning house for Riks Heart- a matter of honor, so when it is carrying out, we use only professional approach. Our experts are carefully studying the object, choose accessories and household chemicals.
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General cleaning of houses
Always nice to be back in a spacious house where clean and comfortable, stuff is in place, and all of the residents could retire to a separate room. In a cottage you can escape from the city, and visitors to convene, and the whole day to spend outdoors. Yes, that's one problem: it is difficult to clean these houses! How many it is necessary to wash and clean! But there is always a way out - Riks Heart will make even the most difficult cleaning houses.
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Home Care Services for Seniors
Rather than moving into a long-term care facility as they age, many older adults prefer to stay at home for as long as possible. This may be the right choice for you if you only need minor assistance with your daily activities and enjoy a close network of nearby family and friends. Our company will provide you with a professional nurse at home and care services available to help you maintain your independence within the comfort of your own home.
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Tutorial Service
Whether you are having difficulty in a given subject, require assistance preparing for exams, or need a paper proof-read, our qualified tutors are here to help. The Tutorial Service is a peer tutoring service that matches your request with a qualified student selected from our bank of private tutors. Tutor from elementary school to colleges.
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Children and young people's services
If you're worried about your child's general development or wellbeing, including their health, educational or social care needs, and you think they need additional support, speak to their healthcare professional, teacher or nursery worker first.
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